Πρόοδος για το μήνα Μάρτιο 2018

Δράση C.1

Approval of the study of Actions C.1 and C.6. Preparation of the tender.

Δράση C.5 and Δράση D.3

Market research for the supply of a TABLET with GPS for the needs of Actions C5 and D3 about the traces of the forest paths and spots for the fir-tree mitigation measures, as well as the measures for the reduction of the illegal loggings inside the Juniperus foetidissima stands in Oiti mountain.

Δράση D.2:

Preparation of the papers on the project data to be presented in the 9th Panellenic Rangeland Congress to be held in Larissa next October.

Δράση E.1

Preparation of the opening ceremonies (2 local events) of the two Environmental Information Centres. The events will be organized on 19 May 2018.

Δράση E.4

Υποδράση 2

Preparation of the papers to be presented in the 9th Panellenic Rangeland Congress to be held in Larissa next October.

Δράση F.5:

Preparation of networking meeting with the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000038 “Protection of valuable natural habitats in Ponidzie”. The meeting will be organized in Athens on 18 and 19 April 2018.

Μάρτιος, 2018

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