Πρόοδος για το μήνα Νοέμβριο 2015

Δράση C.2: Enhancement of the population of Veronica oetaea*

On November 15th, attempt was made to introduce plant species typical of seasonal ponds by seeding seeds from the species Ranunculus lateriflorus, Lythrum thymifolia, Veronica oetaea* and Myosurus minimus, at the seasonal pond of Luka at Mount Oiti.

Δράση C.3: Grazing management and woody vegetation clearing for the restoration of temporary ponds (3170*) and mountain grasslands (6210*, 6230*)

Completion of the fencing works of the temporary ponds Mouriza and Mourouzos at Mt. Kallidromo and Louca at Mt. Oiti, under the supervision of IMFE.

Δράση C.4: Conservation of temporary ponds (3170*)

A large part of erosion control works around the seasonal pond of Nevropoli, has been completed with the supervision of the IMFE.

Δράση C.5: Restoration of Juniperus foetidissima forests (9560*)

Conservation and plant care works of the newly grafted and the remaining cypress plants. Continuation of implementation of Cyprus production method of Juniperus foetidissima plants. Intergradation of the modification request to External Monitoring Office and to EC.

Δράση C.7: Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species of target habitats

On November 7th and November 23rd, attempts were made to find and collect seeds from the plant species Verbena supina at the seasonal pond of Nevropolis of Mount Kallidromo and from the plant species Polygonum aviculare at the seasonal pond of Livadies at Ethnikos Drymos Oiti.

Δράση D.2: Monitoring the impact of management on mountain grasslands (6210*, 6230*).

Data elaboration from the field work conducted in Mt. Oiti to monitor the vegetation restoration treatments.

Δράση E.1: Environmental awareness and education campaign

Organization of two day seminar for teachers on 11 and 12 of November in Molos.

Δράση E.4: Training for habitat conservation.

Υπο-δράση 2: Educational and training of stakeholders in sustainable grassland management in accordance to the aims and the results of the project.

Preparation of the seminar that will be held in Loutra Ypatis on 12-14 December 2016 (e.g. program details, lobby, catering, speakers etc.). Invitation of official persons for greeting at the beginning of the seminar. Publication-briefing of the seminar in the social media (TV, newspapers, radio, Facebook, Twiter etc.) and in the participants (stockbreeders, beekeepers and other farmers).

Νοέμβριος, 2015

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