Πρόοδος για το μήνα Δεκέμβριο 2016

Δράση C.5: Restoration of Juniperus foetidissima forests (9560*)

Conservation and plant care works of the newly grafted and the remaining cypress plants. Continuation of implementation of Cyprus production method of Juniperus foetidissima plants. Intergradation of the modification request to External Monitoring Office and to EC.

Δράση C.7: Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species of target habitats

On December 15th, as part of the action C.7 (Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species of target habitats), attempts were made to find and collect seeds from the plant species Verbena supina at the seasonal pond of Nevropolis of Mount Kallidromo.

Δράση D.2: Monitoring the impact of management on mountain grasslands (6210*, 6230*).

Data elaboration from the field work conducted in Mt. Oiti to monitor the vegetation restoration treatments.

Δράση E.4: Training for habitat conservation.

Υπό-δράση 2: Educational and training of stakeholders in sustainable grassland management in accordance to the aims and the results of the project.

The Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems - Hellenic Agricultural Organization DEMETER, organized a three day seminar (from 12 to 14 December 2016), at Loutra Ypatis, in order to inform farmers, stockbreeders and beekeepers about the "Utilization of Oiti and Kallidromo pasture for the production of animal products". The number of the attendees was 65 and participated showing great interest in the issues of the seminar. The seminar was published in the social media such as TV, newspapers, radio, Facebook, Twiter etc.).

 The conclusion of this seminar was to preserve traditional forms of extensive farming and beekeeping as it is an important productive capital. At the same time, the preservation of traditional forms of extensive farming and beekeeping can be a reference point and attract visitors of the mountain not only due to the availability of high quality products but also because of the strong and unique cultural elements with which they are associated.


Ιανουάριος, 2017

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