Πρόοδος το μήνα Οκτώβριο 2014

Δράση A.2

Supplementary geophysical investigations on Mt. Kallidromo (Nevropolis and Souvala ponds) with 3 electrical soundings, 2 resistivity tomograms (480 m in total) and 1 electromagnetic VLF section (360 m). Supplementary geophysical investigations on Mt. Oiti (Livadies pond) with 7 resistivity tomograms (700 m in total) and local meteorological measurements with a portable device. Because of adverse weather conditions the planned fieldwork was accomplished only partially.

Δράση  A.3

Field work: vegetation transects at the temporary pond of Nevropoli on Mt. Kallidromo. Problems encountered because of heavy raining that made field work at the temporary ponds of Mourouzos and Mouriza impossible (the ponds were flooded), although we visited the ponds twice in the same month.

Δράση A.5

Chemical analysis for the soil samples was completed as well as the corresponding report.

Δράση  A.7

Assessment of the data collected during the field trip on Mt. Oiti  (in Fakitsa 1 & 2 and Trapeza locations) for sampling of Juniperus foetidissima populations and stands.

Δράση  A.9

The external assistant-ornithologist made his twenty-fourth field trip (15-22/24/2014) and submitted a full report.

Δράση  C.3

Mechanical cutting of biomass have been completed on a total area of 7,4 ha in  two sites (“Livadies” A and “Livadies” B) and on a total area of 29,4 ha in the  three sites (“Nevropolis” A, “Nevropolis” B and “Micres Limnes”) of Kallidromo (6230*). Plant cover and biomass samples, measured in September 2014 in the 60 paired plots (exclosure cages and control surfaces) on both mountains (Oiti and Kallidromo), were analysed at the Laboratory of Rangeland Ecology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Regarding the daily activity of two cows on Kallidromo monitored through electronic collar transmitters, the results so far seem to be very promising since a complete picture of the animal’s movements is provided during day and night.

Δράση  C.5

Conservation and plant care works of the 9,000 transplanted Cupressus sempervirens plants. Growth measurements were also taken.

Δράση  Ε.1

A two-day seminar on environmental education was organised in cooperation with KPE Stylidas – Ypatis and the Directorate of Education of the Region of Sterea Ellada. More than 70 teachers attended the seminar on 2-3/10/2014.

On 20/10/2014, the Project Manager presented the project to representatives of 32 countries in the National Operators Meeting of the GREEN KEY Programme of the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) in Rethimno, Crete.

Δράση  Ε.3

Η ιστοσελίδα του έργου ανανεώνεται συνεχώς.

Νοέμβριος, 2014

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