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Conservation of priority forests and forest openings in "Ethnikos Drymos Oitis" and "Oros Kallidromo" of Sterea Ellada, LIFE11 NAT/GR/1014
Action E.1: Environmental awareness and education campaign

This action will implement a large part of the communication and participation strategy developed by action A.11 in order to increase public awareness and knowledge of the target habitats and species, and thus enhance their perceived value and encourage participation to their conservation. In addition, this action will disseminate the results of the project to the broader region of Sterea Ellada.
The action targets both the stakeholders and the general public (visitors and locals) of various ages. It includes the production and distribution of informative and educational material, media publicity, and a series of educational activities tailored for different audiences. The communication and education activities proposed below will be adapted to the guidelines provided by action A.11.
The activities proposed for Action E.1 are:
- Production and distribution of A3 folded colour leaflets with information on the target habitats and species, as well as on the actions for their conservation, also providing a comprehensive code of conduct. A total of 4,000 leaflets will be produced (3,000 in Greek and 1,000 in English) for each site, Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo. They will be distributed to the public Information and Education Centres (action E.2), the offices of the Local Authorities, the Environmental Education Centres of the Region of Sterea Ellada, the local NGO offices, to activity clubs (mountaineering, four-wheel driving, cycling, hunting), hotels, and tourism operators, and to information centers. Additionally, part of the material will be distributed at scientific conferences where the results of the project will be presented (action E.5).
- Production and distribution of 2,000 A3 folded colour leaflets with information about the Brown Bear.
- Production and distribution of colour posters presenting the target habitats and species and promoting their conservation. A total of 1,000 posters will be produced (800 in Greek, 200 in English). They will be distributed to the offices of the Local Authorities, the Environmental Education Centres of the Region of Sterea Ellada, as well as schools, hotels, and tourist information centres.
- Production and distribution of a 20 min video for each site, Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo, presenting the target habitats and species, their conservation status, the management interventions of the project, and a code of conduct for the visitors to the sites. The videos will be made available to the public Information and Education Centres (action E.2), at the offices of the Local Authorities, at the Environmental Education Centres of the Region of Sterea Ellada, at local NGO offices, and tourism operators.
- Production and distribution of T-shirts with images of the target species. A total of 2,000 T-shirts will be produced and distributed to schoolchildren of the local communities.
- Establishment of 2 notice boards describing the project at strategic locations accessible to the public within the sites of Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo.
- Media publicity. Press bulletins regarding the project and its actions will be provided to the local newspapers and websites regularly (at least annually). Radio and TV stations will be notified of the project events (especially the educational activities) for broadcasting.
- Educational seminars for teachers of primary and secondary schools and other educators will be organised (two 2-day seminars) in cooperation with the Environmental Education Centres of Ypati and Stylida. The first day of the seminars will include a session with presentations on the natural environment of Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo, focusing on the target habitats and species and the issues regarding their conservation. This will be followed by a workshop session where relevant ecological educational tools and experiences will be presented and discussed. The second day of the seminars will include an on-site visit and exploration of the target habitats and species.
- Two 2-day educational seminars for tourism representatives, one for Mt. Oiti and one for Mt. Kallidromo, will be organised at least one year after the onset of the project. They will include one day with presentations about the natural environment and the target habitats and species and their conservation, and one day with on-site presentations.
- Two 1-day educational seminars for stockbreeders, beekeepers and other stakeholders about the importance of bears and wildlife, about minimizing damage to their breeding stock and about the profits that wildlife conservation may bring.
- Four 1-day local events with free access to the general public will be organised, two at the onset and two at the end of the project, on Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo. They will include a presentation session with information on the project, its targets and actions, and a discussion session.
- Five 1-day student educational excursions for students of the local primary and secondary schools will be organised in cooperation with the Environmental Education Centres of Ypati and Stylida.
Specific reference to LIFE+ financial support including appearance of the LIFE logo will be made on all materials and in all activities of this action at no additional cost to the project.
This action, along with actions E.2 and E.3, will effectively address the threat of lack of public awareness and environmental education. The engagement of the local communities, including educators and students, will promote the perceived value of the target habitats and species, and will encourage the local consent and cooperation which are absolutely necessary for the long-term conservation management.
In addition, this action will address the threats of habitat degradation by trampling and waste deposit, since it will instruct the users of the area, locals and visitors, regarding the appropriate behaviour, and will also encourage their compliance to conservation management measures. Finally, the socio-economic impact of these actions will be important because it will consist the first such organised, full-fledged activity for the natural environment of the East Central Greece.
- Production and distribution of communication material: 6,000 leaflets, 1,000 posters, 2,000 T-shirts, 2 videos.
- Establishment of 2 project notice boards.
- Publication of the project and its actions by mass media promotion.
- Two seminars for educators.
- Two seminars for tourism representatives.
- Two seminars for stockbreeders.
- Four local events.
- Five educational student excursions.