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Conservation of priority forests and forest openings in "Ethnikos Drymos Oitis" and "Oros Kallidromo" of Sterea Ellada, LIFE11 NAT/GR/1014
Action C.4: Conservation of temporary ponds (3170*)

This action includes the implementation of management interventions focused on the conservation of the habitat of temporary ponds (3170*).
The action will start in the third year of the project and includes the following subactions :
- Erosion control at the area of the temporary ponds of Greveno on Mt. Oiti and Nevropolis on Mt. Kallidromo. The implementation of the intervention will be made according to the specifications of action A.8, over an area of some 5,000 m2 (0.5 ha) on Mt. Oiti and some 35,000 m2 (3.5 ha) on Mt. Kallidromo. Terraces will be created on the steep slopes by the installation of logs of wood. These will reduce runoff velocity and favour the establishment of woody vegetation.
- Restoration of the modified hydrological regime at the temporary pond of Leivadies on Mt. Oiti. The running tap that has been established for recreation purposes southeast of the pond has caused permanent filling with water of a certain area adjacent to the pond. The tap will be removed and the water flow will be adjusted so that a favourable hydrological regime will be restored according to the specifications of action A.8.
- Pilot restoration of the biotic communities of the temporary ponds on Mts. Oiti and Kallidromo. This subaction will be implemented according to the specifications of action A.3. Eutrofication (observed in the ponds of Nevropolis and East of Nevropolis on Mt. Kallidromo) and floristic composition degradation of the temporary ponds may be a result of litter accumulation and/or of disturbed interactions among the biotic communities due to various factors (e.g., infilling, trampling, shrub encroachment, overgrazing or lack of grazing, unidentified indirect modification of the water regime). Most of these problems are dealt with by subactions 1 and 2 of the present action and also by actions C.1 and C.3. This subaction will deal with problems identified by action A.3, caused by competition (e.g. by cutting or uprooting large helophytes) or predation (by eliminating the predator). Also, this subaction includes restoration of the populations of the species which are typical of the habitat 3170* (e.g., Myosurus minimus). The restoration will take place at the temporary ponds of Nevropolis and East of Nevropolis, and at any other pond where this is indicated according to action A.3. At the temporary ponds of Nevropolis, Louka and North of Trapeza, the restoration of floristic composition will be carried out in combination with the pilot establishment of Veronica oetaea* (action C.2). The plant material for the restoration will be provided by action C.7.
This action will complement actions C.1, C.2, and C.3 with necessary interventions for the integrated conservation of the temporary ponds on Mts. Oiti and Kallidromo. Erosion of the slopes with large inclinations over the ponds causes accumulation of sediment in the ponds, which results in reduction of the hydroperiod and burying of seeds. This problem is acute below the naked slopes of Greveno peak and also at the recently burned slopes N-NW of the Nevropolis pond. On the other hand, the running tap at Leivadies causes an increase of the hydroperiod of the pond; its removal was already administered in the Management Plan for the National Forest Park of Oiti (LIFE92 NAT/GR/013700).
Both modifications of the hydrological regime threaten the flora and fauna communities which are typical of habitat 3170* and are sensitive to modifications in the hydrological cycle. In addition, direct interventions for the restoration of biotic communities are necessary at the most disturbed ponds, where the amelioration of threats such as shrub encroachment and trampling may not be enough for the recovery of these communities. Finally, the methodology, which will be developed, will be a useful tool for temporary pond managers at a European level.
- Inhibition of the process of infilling at Greveno and Nevropolis, and of the process of permanent filling with water at Leivadies, as well as restoration of a favourable hydrological regime for habitat 3170*.
- Restoration of the biotic communities of habitat 3170* at all the temporary ponds of Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo.
- A manual with guidelines for the restoration of biotic communities in habitat 3170* based on the results of action D.1.
Note: Action C.4 targets the total area of the habitat in GR2440004 (4 ponds, circa 0.03 ha) and GR2440006 (3 ponds, circa 2.5 – 4.5 ha). Mapping data are not adequately precise, especially for GR2440006, so these areas are subject to correction during action A1.