Ornithological survey on Mt Oiti

Ornithological survey on Mt Oiti 5/4/2013  (Photo E. Shogolev)

Since November 2012, the ornithologist of the project, with his colleagues, have been visiting Mt Oiti every month. After March, the vistis increased to twice a month. Efforts are made to locate the target species of the project, mostly with the use of taped calls. Up to now, all the target woodpecker species have been detected (Picus canus, Dryocopus martius and Dendrocopos leucotos), as well as two more species (Picus viridis and Dendrocopos minor). Other species of note include raptors such as Aquila chrysaetos and Circaetus gallicus. During the next months, visits will include all parts of the Mt. Oiti SPA, in order to estimate the populations of the 5 target species and to study their habitat requirements and threats.

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