Progress of the project in May 2015

Action A.4

Scoring of the germination experiments of the 4 seedlots of Veronica
. Monitoring of the emergence of seedlings in the soil samples.

Action A.7

Collection of fallen cones by recovering the plastic net that was laid on last December under the canopy of a representative tree that was chosen in the Fakitsa area stands for a better estimation of the reproductive potential of Juniperous foetidissima.

Action C.1

In the framework of celebration of the Natura 2000 Day, waste removal was organized around the temporary pond of Nevropoli on Mt. Kallidromo, on May 23, 2015.

Action C.3

Grassland management activities.

The removal to new different places, of the constructed and established mobile metallic cages (1,5 m x 1,5 m)   by June 2014 in Mount Οiti, has been completed.

Daily activity of the cattle on Kallidromo.

Continued monitoring of the movements of ten (10) cows in two herds in the study area of Kallidromo.

Action C.5

The temperature and humidity sensors that have been placed on all wooden constructions with the 3,000 grafted cypress plants with Juniperus foetidissima grafts, showed an increase of temperature, especially at midday, necessitating an adjustment of the misting system operation program, as well as more shade by the shading nets. Some grafts have been rejected. Conservation and plant care works of the grafted plants.

Action C.7

Germination experiments at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20/10, 25/15 °C with seeds imbibed in water and at 20/10 °C with seeds imbibed in 1,000 ppm GA3. The
tested seedlots were the most numerous ones:

Ranunculus lateriflorus (collection sites - dates: Livadies - 23.06.2013),

Polygonum sp. (collection sites - dates: Greveno – 13.08.2013),

Myosurus minimus (collection site - date: Greveno - 21.07.2014),

Limosella aquatica (collection site - date: Livadies - 23.06.2013) and

Juncus bufonius (collection site - date: Greveno - 21.07.2014).


Action C.9

The study for the enrichment of food resources for the Brown Bear was submitted to the Forestry Department of Lamia.


Action E.1

In the framework of celebration of the Natura 2000 Day, the HSPN organized an info-day in Lamia on May 22, 2015 with presentations about the Network, EU legislation and the for OpenForests project. On May 28 and 29, 2015, environmental education events for students were organized on Mt. Oiti by the HSPN. The events, attended by 98 students, included various activities such as nature interpretation, environmental awareness games and introduction to the important species and habitats of Mt. Oiti. 

June, 2015

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