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Conservation of priority forests and forest openings in "Ethnikos Drymos Oitis" and "Oros Kallidromo" of Sterea Ellada, LIFE11 NAT/GR/1014
Action D.1: Monitoring of the impact of management on Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170*) and on the priority plant species Veronica oetaea*

The purpose of this action is to monitor the impact of the project interventions on the temporary ponds (3170*) of Mt. Kallidromo and Mt. Oiti.
Specifically, hydrogeological parameters and biotic community parameters (including the population status of Veronica oetaea*) will be monitored by indices specified by actions A.2, A.3, and A.4. The results of this monitoring will be compared to the base reference state (initial situation) of hydrogeology and of the biotic communities, and the impact of the concrete management actions C.1, C.2, C.3, and C.4 on the temporary ponds will be assessed. The action will start on the fourth year of the project, after the implementation of actions C.1, C.2, C.3, and C.4 for at least one year, and will continue until the end of the project. The results of the monitoring will be evaluated annually.
- Action C.1 (access control, visitor management) is expected to influence biotic community composition and structure and also water quality and, probably, sedimentation rate, mostly in the long-term.
- Action C.2 will influence the population of Veronica oetaea* and also the composition of the biotic communities, in the short term.
- Action C.3 (control of forest expansion and grazing) will influence the biotic community composition and structure, water quality, and, possibly, the hydrological regime due to the removal of trees. Both short-term and long-term impacts are expected.
- Action C.4 will influence the biotic community composition and structure, the hydrological regime (by the removal of the water tap) and the sedimentation rate. Both short-term and long-term impacts are expected.
Monitoring of the impact of the project interventions on the target species and habitats is an action required for all projects with concrete conservation actions according to the guidelines for the LIFE+_Nature & Biodiversity 2011 proposals.
Monitoring will allow evaluation of the adequacy of the management interventions of actions C.1, C.2, C.3, and C.4 and will help amend the methodology of management or to develop alternative management techniques if necessary. It must be noted that this action will also evaluate, indirectly, the impact of action C.7 (ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species) on the habitat of temporary ponds, since it will evaluate the success of the establishment of plants produced by action C.7 and used in actions C.2 and C.3.
- Two annual reports with the description and interpretation of the results of annual monitoring of the temporary ponds and Veronica oetaea*.
The reports will include evaluation of the management interventions and, if necessary, proposals for their amendment. The second (final) report will include a proposal for the establishment of long-term after-LIFE monitoring and management.