
Action C.6: Fire protection measures

A large area was burned by wild fires on Mt. Kallidromo, above the Nevropolis plateau. (Photo: G. Politis)

This action includes enhancement of the fire protection infrastructure on Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo. It will be implemented according to the specifications of action A.8 and will start in the second year of the project.

The proposed measures are:

  1. Construction of one fire guardhouse at the location Plakoto on Mt. Oiti (map 1) for the control of the NE part of the mountain and of one fire guardhouse on Mt. Kallidromo (map 2) on Gkioza summit.
  2. Construction of one or two artificial storage reservoirs close to springs, at the area of Nevropolis and at the church of Panagia over the village of Anavra on Mt. Kallidromo. The artificial storage reservoirs (better described as ponds) will be created by excavating small basins and will have a total capacity of circa 1,000 m3 and a total estimated surface of some 300 m2. The reservoirs will be open and it will be possible for fire-fighting helicopters to use them for refilling with water.
reasons why this is necessary: 

Wild fires (described under Threats), even if not frequent, pose a serious threat and may be destructive for the mountain conifer forests of Juniperus foetidissima (9560*) and Pinus nigra (9530*) because their post-fire regeneration ability is small. Also, fires result in increased erosion risk and consequently in increased infilling of the temporary ponds (3170*) and result in habitat loss for Tengmalm's Owl and the three woodpecker species (Dryocopus martius, Dendrocopos leucotos, and Picus canus).

Adequate mechanical equipment and personnel exist on Mt. Oiti, as well as four water tanks for the suppression of forest fires, but there is only one fire guardhouse. The establishment of a second fire guardhouse at Plakoto was one of the measures proposed in the Management Plan for the National Forest Park of Oiti (LIFE92 NAT/GR/013700). On Mt. Kallidromo, the fire protection infrastructure consists of one old fire guardhouse and one water tank near the Souvala pond.

expected results: 
  • Fire frequency and range on Mt. Oiti and Mt. Kallidromo will be diminished.

Note: The whole area of sites GR42440004 (7,210 ha) and GR42440006 (6,885 ha) is expected to be safeguarded against fire after the implementation of action C6. The additional area safeguarded by C.6 compared to the area currently safeguarded is hard to estimate at this time. A reasonable estimate would be 30 – 50 % of the total area for GR2440004 and 60 – 80 % of the total area for GR2440006.

beneficiary responsible for implementation: 

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