
Action A.8: Elaboration of specifications for priority habitat protection

Off road driving threatens the fragile habitats of the temporary pond of Souvala (Photo: G. Politis)

This action concerns the elaboration of specifications for management actions which will protect the targeted priority habitats from the threats that have been identified, except from the threat caused by the process of forest expansion.

The specifications will be developed according to the results of actions A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, A.11 and A.12,  at the end of the first year of the project and they will be easily applicable and amendable. They will include: 

  1. The purpose, rationale, and desired result of each management action; 

  2. Technical descriptions of the management actions and comprehensive guidelines for their implementation and evaluation; 

  3. The human and natural factors that may affect the results of the management actions; 

  4. Indices for monitoring the success of the habitat protection actions; and 

  5. The requirements for after-LIFE maintenance and sustenance of management. 

The action includes specifications for the following management actions:

  1. Fencing of temporary ponds (3170*) (action C.1). 

  2. Control of access roads (motorways) to the habitats of temporary ponds (3170*) and mountain grasslands (6210*, 6230*) (action C.1).

  3. Management of paths leading to the habitats 3170* and 6230* (action C.1). Visitor management, including establishment of camping sites, parking lots, information boards (actions C.1, E.1). 

  4. Fire protection infrastructure for the protection of Pinus nigra forest (9530*) and Juniperus foetidissima forest (9560*) (action C.6). 

  5. Specifications for the conservation of temporary ponds (3170*): erosion control (action C.4). 

  6. Specifications for the conservation of temporary ponds (3170*): restoration of the hydrological regime (action C.4).

reasons why this is necessary: 

This action is necessary in order to integrate the knowledge acquired from various preparatory actions and use it for the preparation of sound specifications for the concrete conservation actions. It is therefore necessary for the implementation of actions C.1, C.4 and C.6 and for monitoring their success (action D.6) and also for the implementation of action E.1.

expected results: 
  • A manual with the specifications for the implementation of action E2 and for the implementation and monitoring of actions C.1, C.4, and C.6.

beneficiary responsible for implementation: 

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